$10,000 - $400,000 MATCHING EQUITY InvESTMENTS
(“$1 for $1” private capital REQUIRED)

The 49SAF Co-investment Fund is a dollar-for-dollar fund: 49SAF will match new cash equity (or equity-like) investment into any Alaska company up to $400,000.

49SAF will match investment into qualifying Alaska-based companies, taking an “index fund” approach to Alaska firms receiving equity funding.

  • Dollar-for-dollar, private cash equity (or equity-like) new investment is required, meaning that you must have secured private capital investments in the last year or must be actively seeking a matching investment.

  • Investment matches range between $10,000 and $400,000 for qualifying companies applying for our investment match.

  • 49SAF will evaluate existing investors and investment terms to understand long-term business success, reasonable terms, lack of conflicts of interest, and compliance with our Federal guidelines.

  • Must be based in Alaska or have a significant economic impact on Alaska.

    • See links above to our Eligibility Criteria and FAQs for full details.

Have questions? Not sure if this is the right type of funding for your business?